Sunday, April 18, 2010

Micah is a Big Boy!!!

Micah is going to be 3 in two weeks. I have been wanting him to stop wearing diapers, but I just couldn't get it to click with Micah. And...I didn't really want to put in all the energy it takes into potty training. But...last Thursday I decided buy pull-ups instead of diapers. Just thinking that if I took him to the bathroom each time between changes, that maybe it would start working.
Well, IT DID!!! He wore a pull-up to school and then when he came home he was ready to start!
He has two accidents since Thursday! I promised him Spider-man underwear if he went on the potty and no more pull-ups. So here he is in his underwear.
(I really hate when the pictures don't turn!)

He wanted to wear them backwards so he could see the Spider-man on his underwear!

Now he is only wearing pull-ups at night...NO MORE DIAPERS!!!!
I can't tell you how happy that makes me!
I realized not long ago that I have been changing diapers for almost 4 1/2 years straight!

One minor problem has been that he didn't poop until yesterday. He is usually a everyday pooper so going Wednesday to Saturday, was a long time!
So we went to the dollar store and bought lots of Spider-man toys,
hoping that he will go poop again soon.

We are so proud of you, Micah!!!
You are such a BIG BOY!!!

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