Thursday, February 19, 2009

ER and Preschool

We had a fairly exciting day at the Fikes house today. Yesterday I was talking with my neighbors and found out that today was sign ups for this preschool down the street from us. What? I had no idea that you sign up in February for school to start in September!! That is just crazy to me! Anyway, I kinda freaked out. I got on the phone and called several other friends to ask about this school because I have not even seen it. I quickly printed out the forms from the internet last night and filled out everything. When Wes got home I told him about the school and smiled really big...just hoping he would agree that the boys needed to go to school next year. Normally I would not be putting my boys in school yet, but if Wes goes to the academy to be a Texas Game Warden...he is gone for 7 1/2 months and only home on the weekends. I will NEED the boys to be in school 2 days a week. So... we showed up at 7:30 am knowing that they did not start until 8:30. I was a little nervous about getting a spot. WE GOT IN!!! I am really excited. I know that I will be sad when it gets here...but the boys will be excited and that is what counts. We decided to take a tour of the school when we were finished and we love it! 

As we were getting in the car, Wes gets a call to sub today. Great timing that he got to go with us this morning and get paid for a whole day of substituting! Awesome! So we drop him off at the school right by our house and then head home. We were home a couple of hours when Micah falls and hits his head right on the edge of the wall. Blood starts pouring out and I realize we are about to have a visit to the ER. I run Sam to the neighbors house and fly to the ER. I am kinda nervous because in the car I can't keep him awake. I don't know if a baby can go to sleep after he hits his head...but I was worried that would be bad. So I ran several red lights and finally got to our awesome little ER right by our house. There is no wait and they are so nice there. Anyway, Micah is totally asleep when we get and he actually slept through the whole ER experience! Basically all they did was super glue his head shut. Isn't that crazy how they use glue??? 

Here are some pictures of sweet Micah and his poor head! 
I am sure that he will love that scar when he gets older! 

Hope you are having a day with a little less excitement! 


Unknown said...

I remember the stress of that first preschool registration! Crazy that it's in Feb, huh! They will love going, and you will love the Tricia time. And the glue stuff is pretty cool. Connor had to have his chin glued a few years ago, and you can barely see the scar now. I'm glad that Micah was okay-he sounds like he was a real trouper through the whole thing!

annalee said...

what a day! i am glad preschool signups were a success, and glad that sweet micah is okay!

Randi Freeby said...

Bless your heart. You are too sweet. Take care of that little angel and keep us posted on the job thing for Wes. Much love.

Angie Campbell said...

Poor baby! I just caught up on your blog, and the New Mexico trip looks like so much fun! It makes me excited for our ski trip in March. We are taking the boys for the first time, and we are super pumped!

Sweet Micah probably won't scar. Trace did the same thing at Moody Gardens when he was 2 and he actually did get stitches, but you can't even see the scar! His was right over his right eye, and I can't even find it now. So, that's good news, huh?

Pre-school!!! Whoo-hoo! They will love it, I am sure! You will be so close that you can go up all the time for events!

Wes wants to be a game warden? Tell me more about that.

Good to catch up with you!

Mere Ware said...

WOW! That day was definitely more eventful than mine! Sounds like you are a super-mom!!!

Katie said...

Poor baby! I am glad super glue has so many uses! I will have to remember that in the future. :) Thanks for adding sweet Emma to your page! Sorry it took me so long to update mine.. better late than never. :) Love you!