Monday, November 01, 2010

Halloween Night

Trick or Treat Time!!!

BeBop and Micah

Kenneth, Aracely, and Aiden

Sam was ready to run to the next house...he couldn't get there fast enough

PopPop passed out candy at our house while we went trick or treating...
Thanks PopPop!

Micah couldn't wait to dig into the candy!

They got more candy than they knew what to do with,

by the end we were carrying their bags for them!

Passing out candy to the rest of the kids

It was such a great end to a fun weekend!!!


Jesus said...

nom nom nom!!! I luvvveeeeee Lollies!!! ....the boggie monster......

Sasori said...

Hiii that's fantastic
your blog is very very beaultiful'
your childrens are mos beautiful babys that I see'
good luck!